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Louisiana Emotional Support Dog Laws

Learn how an emotional support dog differs from a service dog and how you can train your dog to become one in this month's Mental Illness Awareness blog.

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Transgender Minor Name Change Successful In Mississippi

It was difficult for someone with a law license to find information on a Minor Child Transgender Name Change in Mississippi, so I imagine it's difficult for families too.‍ That's why I've compiled things you need to know if you are trying to change your child's name in Mississippi to reflect their identity. Learn how to apply for a name change in Mississippi and also find resources in this Sheppard Law blog.

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What Exactly Is Business Law

Do you think only big-box stores have lawyers? Think again. Here at Sheppard Law we love dispelling stereotypes. That's why in honor of Small Business Week, we wanted to share what Business Law means to us. In our eyes- it's helping small businesses- from one man/woman operations to companies who have given hundreds of folks a job- navigate the pitfalls and triumphs of entrepreneurship.

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